222 Fifth Avenue, between 26-27th streets – Application Certificate of Appropriateness for a non-visible Rooftop Addition.
At the regularly scheduled monthly Community Board Five meeting on Thursday, March 09, 2023, the following resolution passed with a vote of 28 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining:
WHEREAS, 222 Fifth Avenue is a six-story mixed-use building located on 5th Avenue between 26th and 27th Streets in the NoMad neighborhood of Manhattan; and
WHEREAS, It was constructed in 1912 by architect John C. Westervelt in the Beaux Arts style using Limestone and Cast Iron and is located within the Madison Square North Historic District; and
WHEREAS, The applicant proposes to remove the existing roof material and reconstruct a new, level roof onto which they propose to build a rooftop addition with matching stucco façade with an outdoor kitchen and outdoor terrace; and
WHEREAS, The proposed addition will be constructed on the north side of the roof set back 23.5ft from the street-facing parapet and built 10ft high along with an additional 4ft of mechanical height, and with no changes to the existing stair and elevator bulk head on the south side of the roof; and
WHEREAS, The proposed addition will not be visible from the street in any direction, with only one location from within Madison Square Park where very minimal visibility is detected through bare trees during the winter months; and
WHEREAS, At this time, the applicant does not have specific details for lighting or railings but has assured us these will be non-intrusive and non-visible, though we encourage the applicant to re-visit once final plans are made; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the proposed application for a non-visible rooftop addition at 222 Fifth Avenue.