222 Central Park South, Apts #10-32, application for window replacement.
At the regularly scheduled monthly Community Board Five meeting on Thursday, December 14, 2023, the following resolution passed with a vote of 34 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining:
WHEREAS, the Gainsborough Studio (The Applicant) is located at 222 Central Park South across from Central Park; and
WHEREAS, Architect Charles W. Buckham designed the building, which was constructed between 1907 and 1908, after demolition of an existing building on the site; and
WHEREAS, In its designation of the building as a New York City Landmark in 1988 the Landmark Preservation Commission described the building as a “particularly fine example of artists’ cooperating housing, planned and organized by artists in response to a shortage of suitable living and working space”; and
WHEREAS, Community Board Five has previously noted the building’s expansive windows on the south façade of the building designed to capture the most natural light possible to benefit the artists; and
WHEREAS, The Applicant proposes to replace nine contiguous steel upper windows on the west side of the 8th floor of the building with updated insulated glass windows; and
WHEREAS, The metal frames of the replacement windows will be slightly larger than the original metal frames to accommodate the heavier double glazed tempered glass and the flanking panels will include a faux frame element rather than the original double hung windows; and
WHEREAS, Community Board Five provided public notice of a hearing on the application before the Landmarks Committee as required by the Board’s policies and procedures; and
WHEREAS, CB5 has previously urged the Landmark Preservation Commission to develop a master plan for the building to promote window replacements that restore fenestration uniformity and symmetry to the graceful and elegant façade of the building; and
WHEREAS, CB5 finds that the change in the flanking panels of the proposed replacement windows will not be perceptible when viewed from the street and that the proposed windows otherwise essentially match the original windows in terms of material, configuration and finish and so are compatible with the style of the building and will not detract from the landmark; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application 222 Central Park South.