Application from S Projects on behalf of Moschino for a marketing event in Bryant Park featuring a live fashion show for the public on September 9, 2021
On behalf of the Full Board of Community Board Five, the Executive Board considered and unanimously passed the following resolution on Tuesday, Sept. 07, 2021
WHEREAS, S Projects (“Applicant”) has submitted an application to hold a marketing event on the lawn/upper terrace portion of Bryant Park on September 9th,2021; and
WHEREAS, The event would take place between the hours of 2:00 pm and 2:45 pm, with set-up beginning at 11pm on 9/8/21 and breakdown completed by 5:00 pm on 9/9/21; and
WHEREAS, Applicant will be setting up an elevated runway along with a sign with dimensions 29’ x 8’ to showcase the Moschino Spring/Summer 2022 fashion line; and
WHEREAS, The event will include a closed-off, smaller space in the lawn for invited guests to attend, but is free and open to the public to observe from the majority of the lawn and anywhere else in Bryant Park, with the event having a low perimeter and elevated stage/runway to ensure good sight lines for all attendees; and
WHEREAS, There will be nothing for sale or given away; and thus no trash; and
WHEREAS, The event will be staffed with security guards during the set up, duration, and break down of the event including 24-hour overnight security coverage to ensure the safety and distancing of guests; and
WHEREAS, The event will have amplified sound for background ambient sound design and music only (not to exceed NYC Parks standards for decibel levels in pubic park events), with no sub-woofer being used; and
WHEREAS, The event will film/photograph the fashion models only, not the guests or members of the public; and
WHEREAS, The event will have no lighting; and
WHEREAS, The event will be outside, masks will be encouraged; and all invited guests will have to be verified as fully vaccinated; and
WHEREAS, The event will be open to the public and free of charge; and
WHEREAS, Although Community Board Five has concerns about the commercial use of public parkland, the proposed event has minimal impact on the navigation and use, limited signage, and provides an opportunity for the public to enjoy the event; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application from S Projects on behalf of Moschino for a marketing event in Bryant Park featuring a live fashion show for the public on September 9, 2021.