Legalization of two vitrines at display windows at 935 Broadway, the Harry Potter New York store, along the East 22nd Street façade.
At the regularly scheduled monthly Community Board Five meeting on Thursday, October 14, 2021, the following resolution passed with a vote of 35 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining:
WHEREAS, 935 Broadway (aka Mortimer Building) is a six-story store and office building constructed in 1861-62; and
WHEREAS, The building was designed by noted architect Griffith Thomas for prominent real estate magnate Richard Mortimer; and
WHEREAS, The building is a prime example of Italianate architecture with austere and elegant brownstone façades, fluted columns and a dentilled and modillioned cornice; and
WHEREAS, The building enjoys a prominent place in the Ladies Mile Historic District (District) with three full façades, fronting Broadway, East 22nd Street and Fifth Avenue, across from the Flatiron Building; and
WHEREAS, Warner Bros. d.b.a. Harry Potter New York (the “Applicant”), has installed two vitrines at display windows at 935 Broadway along the East 22nd Street façade that were not approved by the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC); and
WHEREAS, The Applicant has also installed three adjacent vitrines at display windows at 935 Broadway along the East 22nd Street façade that were previously approved by LPC; and
WHEREAS, LPC has issued a warning letter of non-compliance regarding the two vitrines that were not approved; and
WHEREAS, The Applicant seeks legalization of the two non-compliant vitrines; and
WHEREAS, The storefront windows of the two non-compliant vitrines, while reflective during the daytime, are illuminated during evening and nighttime hours; and
WHEREAS, The color, brightness and theatrical nature of the lighting are non-contextual for the building; and
WHEREAS, The illumination, color, and brightness of the two non-compliant vitrines are inharmonious with the surrounding streetscape; and
WHEREAS, The illumination, color, and brightness of the two non-compliant vitrines are inappropriate for the District and accordingly would establish an unfortunate precedent for the District; and
WHEREAS, While the lighting scheme is problematic, the vitrines themselves do not affect the façade in a negative way, especially as they can be removed without alteration to the historic fabric of the building; and
WHEREAS, The Applicant's non-compliance was due, according to the applicant themselves, to poor advice and execution; and
WHEREAS, While legalizing the vitrines structure may raise no objection, the lighting scheme within the two non-compliant vitrines is overwhelming, inappropriate and should not be legalized; therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends denial of the application by Warner Bros. d.b.a. Harry Potter New York at 935 Broadway, to legalize the installation of two non-compliant vitrines at display windows along the East 22nd Street façade unless Warner Bros. proposes illumination, color and brightness of the displays of the vitrines that is contextual, harmonious and appropriate for the Ladies Mile Historic District.