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Application from the Central Park Conservancy for the Restoration of the Kinderberg and Renovation of the Chess & Checkers House

At the regularly scheduled monthly Community Board Five meeting on Wednesday, November 10, 2021, the following resolution passed with a vote of 29 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining:

WHEREAS, The Central Park Conservancy (Applicant) has submitted an application for the Restoration of the Kinderberg and Renovation of the Chess & Checkers House; and

WHEREAS, These facilities are in the “Children’s District” located near the southeast corner of Central Park, north of the 59th Street Pond and south of the 65th Street Transverse, between the Center Drive and the East Drive Park; and

WHEREAS, The original Kinderberg, located on a large rock outcropping overlooking the pond, was a rustic structure built in 1868 to provide shade over seating and tables, and was demolished in 1940; and

WHEREAS, The octagonal shaped brick Chess & Checkers House was built in 1952 on the site of the Kinderberg as an open-air structure and then was enclosed in the 1980s; and

WHEREAS, In 1985 a dimensional lumber trellis was built along the outer footprint of the original Kinderberg and surrounds the Chess & Checkers House; and

WHEREAS, The trellis is at the end of its useful life and will be replaced with a rustic shelter similar to the original Kinderberg; and

WHEREAS, The plaza pavement surrounding the Chess & Checkers House and under the trellis is deteriorated and will be replaced with new asphalt pavers reminiscent of the original brick paving pattern; and

WHEREAS, The Chess & Checkers House will have its circa-1952 roof replaced with a new slate roof and the existing cupola will be rebuilt; and

WHEREAS, The Chess & Checkers House will receive new windows and new doors that will be ADA Accessible and the existing brick work will be restored and repointed; and

WHEREAS, The interior of the Chess & Checkers House will be renovated to add new ADA public toilet facilities, consisting of Men’s, Women’s, and All Gender restrooms, which are lacking in this area of Central Park; and

WHEREAS, New ADA access will be provided up to the Kinderberg plaza from the east via a ramp with railings that negotiates a 14’ change in grade and is integrated in the landscape; and

WHEREAS, The existing stair adjacent to the ramp, which has deteriorated, will be rebuilt; and

WHEREAS, The restored plaza will have an increased number of benches and the same number of tables as presently when it is completed; and

WHEREAS, The $7M construction cost has been raised with private funds and the lead donor is not asking for naming rights, a point that Community Board Five appreciates and applauds on the part of this generous donor; and

WHEREAS, Only way-finding signage and building signage will be installed; and

WHEREAS, Construction is planned to start in spring 2022 and be completed by the end of the year; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the Application from the Central Park Conservancy for the the Restoration of the Kinderberg and Renovation of the Chess & Checkers House.

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