860 Broadway, an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a Rooftop Terrace and Bulkhead Addition at 17th Street
At the regularly scheduled monthly Community Board Five meeting on Wednesday, November 10, 2021, the following resolution passed with a vote of 29 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining:
WHEREAS, 860 Broadway is a six-story, late nineteenth-century commercial building located in the Ladies Mile Historic District; and
WHEREAS, The building occupies a prominent location at the corner of Broadway and East 17th Street, directly across from the North Plaza of Union Square Park; and
WHEREAS, The building's location across from the open North Plaza makes it prominently visible from many surrounding view corridors in the park, along East 17th Street, and Union Square West; and
WHEREAS, The building is the southern gateway to the Ladies Mile Historic District, and
WHEREAS, The applicant proposed to build a pergola style rooftop addition as well as an elevator and a stair bulkhead to provide access to the roof for tenants of the building; and
WHEREAS, The rooftop would be equipped with a kitchen and a lighting system would be installed to facilitate use at night; and
WHEREAS, The bulkhead and rooftop additions would be very visible from numerous vantage points, including full visibility impacting the primary facade, as well as visibility impacting the secondary and tertiary facades; and
WHEREAS, The proposed Rooftop Terrace and Bulkhead Addition negatively impact the historic character of the building as viewed from ground level; and
WHEREAS, The proposed design for the rooftop terrace and bulkhead addition has been reviewed by the Landmarks Committee of Community Board Five; and
WHEREAS, The proposed rooftop terrace and bulkhead addition design, scale and materials are not harmonious with the historic district and building; therefore, be it
RESOLVED that Community Board Five recommends denial of the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the proposed rooftop additions and changes to 860 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan.