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18 East 50th Street, application for proposed window replacement project.

At the regularly scheduled monthly Community Board Five meeting on Thursday, December 10, 2020, the following resolution passed with a vote of 45 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining:

WHEREAS, 18 East 50th Street (“The Applicant”) is located between Madison and 5th Avenues; 

WHEREAS, The 11-story Hampton Shops Building is located on the south side of East 50th Street, near Madison Avenue, across from St. Patrick’s Cathedral; and

WHEREAS, The building was designed as a commercial building in the neo-Gothic or Perpendicular Gothic style, and has an 11-story tripartite façade clad with grey terra cotta resembling granite, and was built in 1915-16; and

WHEREAS, The Applicant represented by Thomas Fenniman Architects is proposing a replacement to all of the non-historic windows on the primary façade from the 4th through the 11th floors; and

WHEREAS, It is proposed to remove a blank transom panel over the non-historic aluminum 9-over-9 double-hung windows; and

WHEREAS, On the top floor where the blank transom panel is inside of the arched masonry, it would be replaced with an oversized window that would be concealed behind the arched window frames and would be made to look like curved glass to fit inside the historic arches; and

WHEREAS, The proposed window replacement will be double-hung windows, with simulated 12-over-12 window panes to simulate the historic configuration; and

WHEREAS, The existing terra cotta lintel will remain untouched; and

WHEREAS, The window frame and mullions inside the window are bronze-colored coated aluminum; and

WHEREAS, The committee expressed concern about aluminum windows, yet learned that there are currently no windows with original material and the application would not result in removing any historic components; and

WHEREAS, The committee found that the proposed window plan is contextual and appropriate; therefore be it

RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the proposed window replacement application for the building located at 18 East 50th Street.

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