Request from Central Park Conservancy for a project to redevelop the Lasker Pool and Rink site at the Harlem Meer in Central Park
At the regularly scheduled monthly Community Board Five meeting on Thursday, June 13, 2019, the following resolution passed with a vote of 33 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining:
WHEREAS, The Central Park Conservancy (“CPC”) has submitted a request for a project to redevelop the Lasker Pool and Rink site at the Harlem Meer in Central Park (the “Lasker Rink”); and
WHEREAS, The Lasker Rink is a seasonal recreational swimming pool and ice skating rink located in the North Meadow area of Central Park between 106th and 108th Streets, between the Harlem Meer and the East Drive, and
WHEREAS, The Lasker Rink opened in 1966 and was named for Loula Davis Lasker who donated much of the funds to build the facility; and
WHEREAS, The Lasker Rink has fallen into disrepair and has been in dire need of either numerous upgrades or complete renovation; and
WHEREAS, CPC has raised over $150 million to renovate the Lasker Rink and the surrounding areas of the Harlem Meer, of which approximately $110 million has come from private contributions; and
WHEREAS, CPC has reported that none of the private contributions thus far have come from corporations; and
WHEREAS, CPC noted that $110 million is needed for the actual renovation while $40 million is needed for programming costs; and
WHEREAS, As part of the renovation, the ice rink could be configured so that it could be used for ice skating, ice hockey tournaments and other like events; and
WHEREAS, As part of the renovation, the pool would have a slightly smaller capacity than the current pool but CPC feels that given the current usage of the pool, the slightly smaller capacity would still be sufficient; and
WHEREAS, The renovated pool would be built on a lower elevation than the current one, which will allow for better access and site lines; and
WHEREAS, A boardwalk would be built around the facility and would be open year-round with the ability to have ice skating on the boardwalk during the winter months; and
WHEREAS, The concession areas will be open to the public during months when the pool is not used; however during the months where the pool is used, it would only be open to the users of the pool per requirements of the New York City Department of Health; and
WHEREAS, The concessionaire contract will be run through a competitive bidding process, and it is currently unclear whether the contract will cover solely the pool and ice rink or the surrounding areas as well; and
WHEREAS, CPC noted that it would not expect there to be any commercial events in the renovated Lasker Rink or surrounding areas; and
WHEREAS, CPC estimates that the ice rink and pool would be unavailable to the public for the reconstruction between 2020 and 2023; and
WHEREAS, CPC could not give any information on any signage to be used in the pool, skating rink or surrounding areas, nor any information on naming rights other than that the complex would no longer be named after Loula Davis Lasker; and
WHEREAS, The proposed renovated Lasker Rink will have restrooms and changing rooms dedicated for those who identify as men and those who identify as women, but only three gender neutral rooms; and
WHEREAS, Community Board Five felt that given the number of individuals who will use the facility at any given time, having only three gender neutral rooms was woefully inadequate; and
WHEREAS, Community Board Five was concerned about the lack of information on signage and naming rights of the renovated facility; and
WHEREAS, CPC agreed to come back to Community Board Five in Spring 2020 when it can provide an update on its progress and discuss any signage and naming rights as well as the status of the concession contract bidding, as well as further address the issue of gender-neutral space in the restrooms and changing rooms; and
WHEREAS, Community Board Five encourages CPC to have open communication about signage and naming rights prior to the finalization of such matters; and
WHEREAS, Community Board Five felt that despite these concerns, the result of these renovations was highly beneficial to the community and would create a much-improved user experience; therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the request from Central Park
Conservancy for a project to redevelop the Lasker Pool and Rink site at the Harlem Meer in
Central Park.