620 Sixth Avenue, Siegel Cooper Building in the Ladies Mile Historic District, application to modify the main entrance on Sixth Avenue and garage loading bays on 18th and 19th Streets, and to create a storefront master plan including signage and lighting
At the regularly scheduled monthly Community Board Five meeting on Thursday, June 13, 2019, the following resolution passed with a vote of 40 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining:
WHEREAS, The Siegel Cooper Building at 620 Sixth Avenue has applied to modify the main entrance on Sixth Avenue and the garage loading bays on 18th and 19th Streets, and to create a storefront master plan including signage and lighting; and
WHEREAS, 620 Sixth Avenue is located between 18th and 19th Streets in the Ladies Mile Historic District; and
WHEREAS, The building was constructed in 1895-97 as a store designed by DeLemos & Cordes in the Beaux-Arts style for the owner Siegel Cooper Dry Goods Store; and
WHEREAS, The current owner, RXR Realty, is seeking to return much of the building to its original condition; and
WHEREAS, The new Master Plan is a significant improvement over the existing, LPC-approved Master Plan; and
WHEREAS, The owner proposes to add 3 additional entrances at the ground floor façade on 18th St, 3 additional entrances on 19th St, and 2 additional entrances on 6th Ave; and
WHEREAS, The applicant proposes to return an original loading bay to its original position on 18th St; and
WHEREAS, The applicant proposes to restore the original doors and entrances on 19th St; and
WHEREAS, The applicant proposes to create a storefront Master Plan for lighting and signage; and
WHEREAS, The applicant proposes to remove the existing awnings from the building; therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of RXR Realty's application for a Master Plan for 620 Sixth Ave with the following requests: