Application from Madison Entertainment Associates LLC for the renewal of a small unenclosed sidewalk café at 625 Madison Avenue, between 58th and 59th Streets
WHEREAS, Madison Entertainment Associates LLC ("Applicant") has submitted an application for renewal of their small unenclosed sidewalk café at 625 Madison Avenue, otherwise known as Lavo, to consist of 8 tables and 14 chairs for seasonal seating; and
WHEREAS, Applicant submitted application in a timely fashion, successfully posted neighborhood notices, and otherwise complied with all expected standards for public review of their application; and
WHEREAS, Although the café has been operating with no complaints since 2015, there remains ongoing concern about the occasional use of a velvet rope to cordon off the area of the café from the sidewalk, which is a violation of the Applicant’s license, which allows for no boundary whatsoever in this public space; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends denial of the application from Madison Entertainment Associates LLC for renewal of a small unenclosed sidewalk café at 625 Madison Avenue, unless Applicant remain in total compliance with the terms of their license at all times, including the cessation of use of a velvet rope or any other physical intrusions surrounding the café.