Application from Crown Architecture & Consulting DPC, on behalf of their client 444 Park Avenue South Associates LLC, for a new unenclosed sidewalk café at Cleo restaurant at the Mondrian Park Avenue, located at 444 Park Avenue South
WHEREAS, Crown Architecture & Consulting DPC, on behalf of their client 444 Park Avenue South Associates LLC and the Mondrian Park Avenue (“Applicant”), has submitted an application to operate a new seasonal unenclosed sidewalk café at Cleo restaurant at the Mondrian Park Avenue, along the 31st Street side of the location at 444 Park Avenue South, between 30th and 31st Streets; and
WHEREAS, Applicant agreed to Community Board Five’s request to reduce the footprint of the original proposal for the café, placing no tables or chairs on Park Avenue South but only along 31st Street; and
WHEREAS, The maximum number of tables in the café is 18 and the maximum number of chairs in the café is 36; and
WHEREAS, The sidewalk is 15’-1 ½” wide at East 30th Street, leaving the required 8’-0” clear pedestrian path and 3’-0” service aisle, and no public space will be used to service the clientele; and
WHEREAS, The café will operate within the hours of 11:00am to 10:00pm every day; and
WHEREAS, There are no proposed speakers or amplified sound in the café; and
WHEREAS, A neighbor and member of the public spoke in favor of the application; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application from Crown Architecture & Consulting DPC, on behalf of their client 444 Park Avenue South Associates LLC, for a new unenclosed sidewalk café at Cleo restaurant at the Mondrian Park Avenue, located at 444 Park Avenue South, between 30th and 31st Streets.