Department of Transportation (DOT) proposals for the initial phase of public realm improvements in East Midtown, as per recent rezoning of the area.
WHEREAS, The New York Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Department of City Planning (DCP) have prepared a list of several potential projects to be studied in relation to enhancing the public realm in East Midtown; and
WHEREAS, Funding for these initial projects is limited; and
WHEREAS, The East Midtown Governing Group has been charged with determining how to distribute the available funds; and
WHEREAS, Community Board Five is directly impacted by the redevelopment of the district and has a representative on the Governing Group; and
WHEREAS, CB5 recognizes the need for further study of the feasibility of the projects outlined in the proposal presented by DOT and DCP; and
WHEREAS, The safety of all street users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and those in motor vehicles remains a primary concern of CB5; and
WHEREAS, CB5 is particularly interested in measures that could improve the busiest and most congested thoroughfares in the District; therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends prioritizing the projects to be further studied in the following order: