650 Sixth Avenue - Application to install an ADA-accessible ramp at Men’s Wearhouse retail entrance
WHEREAS, 650 Sixth Avenue is a prominent six-story building located on the southeast corner of Sixth Avenue and West 20th Street in the Ladies' Mile Historic District; and
WHEREAS, The building was designed by Hubert, Pirsson & Hoddick and built in 1892, and features five large bays on the Sixth Avenue façade; and
WHEREAS, The applicant proposes to install an ADA-accessible ramp to the retail entrance of Men's Wearhouse in the southernmost bay of its three-bay retail space at 650 Sixth Avenue; and
WHEREAS, The current entry to the retail space from Sixth Avenue involves a single step access along with a secondary ADA-accessible entrance from the main lobby of the residential portion of the building; and
WHEREAS, The proposed ramp will be made of concrete with dark bronze painted metal railings, and extend 5'-1.5" out into the sidewalk and run 15'-4" in length; and
WHEREAS, The utilitarian ramp design is not contextual with the building or the fabric of the historic district; and
WHEREAS, Sixth Avenue in Ladies' Mile is a very busy shopping thoroughfare and the ramp will constrict pedestrian flow; and
WHEREAS, The other two retail entrances along Sixth Avenue in this building have sidewalk-level entrances with an ADA-accessible slope contained within their interior vestibules, and
WHEREAS, The northernmost bay of the retail space, currently used as a show window could be converted into a door that would be at grade level and eliminate the need for a ramp, therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends denial of the installation of an ADA-accessible ramp at the retail entrance of Men's Wearhouse located at 650 Sixth Avenue.