915 Broadway Associates LLC, application for legalization for work done without permit, to remove 3 louvers and install 3 windows
WHEREAS, 915 Broadway is a store and loft building located in the Ladies Mile Historic District; and
WHEREAS, The owner 915 Broadway Associates LLC has applied for legalization for work done without permit, to remove 3 louvers and install 3 windows; and
WHEREAS, The applicant removed 3 louvers and installed 3 one-over-one windows on the northern façade of the building; and
WHEREAS, The applicant did not secure a permit from LPC before completing the work; and
WHEREAS, The historic fenestration of the building is a three-over-three window, as mentioned in the designation report and documented by both historic and contemporary photographs; therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends denial of the request for legalization of work done without permit and urges the applicant to install three-over-three windows to replace the illegal one-over-one windows.