Application from Mashable to hold “DQ Bakes Presented by Mashable,” a commercial event in the North Plaza of Union Square Park on Tuesday, September 13, 2016
WHEREAS, Mashable, on behalf of itself and Dairy Queen ("Applicant"), has submitted an application to hold "DQ Bakes Presented by Mashable," a commercial event in the North Plaza of Union Square Park on September 13, 2016 (the "Event"); and
WHEREAS, The event would take place between the hours of 11:00AM and 2:00PM, with setup from 6:00AM and breakdown by 7:00PM the day of the event; and
WHEREAS, The event would consist of a stand 15 feet deep by 23 feet wide by 11 feet high, with approximately four tables and two barrel coolers, and an attached kitchen from which food samples of pretzel skins, potato skins and queso dip would be served; and
WHEREAS, There will be seven staff members on-site to assist with queue management; and
WHEREAS, There will be a photo booth within the stand, where guests can take animated photos; and Applicant has agreed to take Community Board Five's concerns regarding language into account as it prepares its notice of filming and photography, which is required; and
WHEREAS, There will be a 36kW diesel generator powering the Event; and
WHEREAS, Signage will be limited to railing banners on the stand itself, with no ancillary signage throughout the North Plaza or elsewhere in the Park; and
WHEREAS, There will be no amplified sound at the Event; and Applicant has consulted with the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation regarding appropriate sanitation protocols for disposal of trash; and
WHEREAS, Applicant has agreed to consult with the Union Square Partnership for a site walkthrough and discussion of event details; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application from Mashable to hold "DQ Bakes Presented by Mashable," a commercial event in the North Plaza of Union Square Park on Tuesday, September 13, 2016.