34 West 21st Street, Ladies' Mile Historic District, application to construct a new building.
WHEREAS, This application is for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the construction of a new 6 story residential building, with partial 7th story and cellar, at 34 West 21st Street in the Ladies Mile Historic District; and
WHEREAS, 34 West 21st Street previously received a Certificate of Appropriateness in 2007 by The Landmarks Preservation Commission that has expired; and this application includes minor modifications to the ground floor; and
WHEREAS, The single occupancy residential building consists of a six story facade with partial 7th setback, not visible from the street, measuring ~16' wide, ~92' deep and ~79' tall, totaling ~7,250 square feet and
WHEREAS, The ground floor storefront is comprised of single car garage with double swing metal and glass doors at existing curb cut, and a single metal and glass entrance door, including ~3' high bulkhead and 3'high louvered panels above; and
WHEREAS, The street facing façade consists of a symmetrical tripartite design with light colored limestone piers flanking, black painted decorative metal spandrel panels and aluminum double hung insulated glass windows that match the profile of the adjacent building, and a GFRC Cornice to match the limestone color; and
WHEREAS, The rear facing façade consists of smooth modular Manganese Ironspot brick and large tempered glass insulated windows and doors to the terrace of the setback roof; and
WHEREAS, The lot line façade consists of Franklin Type 2 brick with lot line windows and an insulated metal panel on the 5th through 7th floor; and
WHEREAS, The overall design and scale of the proposed building is harmonious with the district, using sophisticated, well-designed materials, therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the construction of a new 6 story residential building, with partial 7th story and cellar, at 34 West 21st Street.