Application from Rubik Marketing for “Game of Thrones Dragon Landing Event,” a promotional event in the South Plaza of Union Square Park on March 15, 2016
WHEREAS, Rubik Marketing ("Applicant"), on behalf of HBO, has submitted an application for "Game of Thrones Dragon Landing Event," a promotional event in the South Plaza of Union Square Park on March 15, 2016; and
WHEREAS, The event will consist of the creation of a simulated dragon landing site, in the form of an overlay depicting scorched-Earth footprints, to be contained within a 15x15 foot area, with installation to be ready for viewing between 6 AM and 9 PM on March 14th, set-up to begin no earlier than 12:01 AM on March 13th, and breakdown to be completed no later than 11:59 PM the day of the event; and
WHEREAS, Signage would be limited to four banners, each measuring 5 x 2 feet and hanging on a pole measuring ten feet in height, to be located at each of the four corners immediately surrounding the event area, advertising the television series "Game of Thrones;" and
WHEREAS, Amplified sound would be limited to the classical music score of the television series, using only short-throw audio speakers and no sub-woofer, designed to reach no further than 30 feet from the event area, and has committed to meeting with a representative from the Union Square Partnership on site to determine an appropriate volume level; and
WHEREAS, Applicant has committed to a team of 8 to 12 security staff to monitor the flow of foot traffic in the South Plaza during the event; and
WHEREAS, The event will not involve the sale of any merchandise, the distribution of any promotional materials, or any filming of the event or members of the public for any purpose; and
WHEREAS, Although the event is promotional in nature, Community Board Five uses an Event Matrix to take into account the overall footprint and impact of an event application, including its degree of being creative or engaging for the public, and finds that on balance the proposed event is acceptable to proceed; and
WHEREAS, Applicant has been responsive and receptive to community concerns, and has modified their application accordingly, particularly in regard to agreeing not to use a sub-woofer, agreeing to limiting the volume of amplified sound, increasing its commitment to the number of event staffers and restricting the location of event signage; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval for the application from Rubik Marketing for "Game of Thrones Dragon Landing Event," a promotional event in the South Plaza of Union Square Park on March 15, 2016.