121 East 17th Street, request for evaluation.
WHEREAS, The Union Square Community Coalition (USCC) has filed a Request for Evaluation (RFE) with the Landmarks Preservation Commission for a property at 121 East 17th Street; and
WHEREAS, The property is a carriage house, located on East 17th Street between Park Avenue South and Irving Place, and directly across from the East 17th Street Irving Place Historic District; and
WHEREAS, The carriage house in attributed to 1854, although it may be older; and
WHEREAS, The carriage house is a two-story brick structure with two exposed facades, a large arched central doorway fenestration on its main facade, and finely detailed masonry oculi windows, both on its primary and east side facades; and
WHEREAS, Over the years, the carriage house has retained its original fabric; therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the USCC's Request for Evaluation (RFE) by LPC for the carriage house located at 121 East 17th Street.