625 Fifth Avenue (bet. 50th & 51st Streets), Cathedral of Saint Patrick, Certificate of Appropriateness.
WHEREAS, 625 Fifth Avenue, commonly known as St. Patrick's Cathedral,located between 50th & 51st Streets,and Lady Chapel, and Rectory and Cardinal's Residence, located at 460 Madison Avenue and 452 Madison Avenue respectively, are among New York City's most prominent and beloved Landmarks;
WHEREAS, The Neo-Gothic style Roman Catholic cathedral church, built in 1858 -1879, was designed by James Renwick Jr., and the Lady Chapel, built in 1906 was designed by Charles T. Mathews, and the Rectory and Cardinal's residence built in 1880, was designed by James Renwick Jr., and
WHEREAS, In addition to the structures, the landmark sites consist of two landscaped areas on 50 and 51st street; and
WHEREAS, The entire site was designated as an individual Landmark in May 1966; and
WHEREAS, It is the seat of the archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York, as well as a parish church; and
WHEREAS, The applicant proposes to install a secured vehicle entrance on East 50th street, which will consist of a low rectilinear structure in new flamed schist cladding to match terrace retaining wall stone; and
WHEREAS, The structure will be approximately 670 square feet; approximately 23 foot long x 29 foot deep x 10 feet tall, with 2 bronze-clad swing doors leading to a secure vehicular parking garage where an interior stair leads to the Cardinal's private residence; and
WHEREAS, The approximately 11 foot width of the original schist retaining wall will be removed and replaced with a mid-block curb cut and a new black painted metal swing gate to match the existing areaway fencing and existing gates, for which the applicant will apply for proper Department of City Planning and Department of Transportation approval; and
WHEREAS, The exterior of the proposed garage will be richly landscaped to blend into the surrounding trees and planted areas with planting beds all-around the structure and a green roof with 5 inch non-deciduous pre-vegetated tiles on top to conceal the structure; and
WHEREAS, The vestibule passageway from the garage to the residence will be enclosed and clad in Tuckahoe marble to match Cardinal Residence and will connect to the existing kitchen door in the areaway, relocating the existing wrought iron decorative arched door; and
WHEREAS, The design is minimally intrusive and harmonious amongst the landscape and hardscape; and
WHEREAS, CB5 applauds the dedication and 3-year effort of exterior stone conservation, interior stone, wood and plaster restoration, and stained glass stabilization and conservation, and encourages salvaging and storing the original schist retaining wall for future use, therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the building of a new secure vehicular entrance to 625 Fifth Avenue.