157 West 57th Street, application for a revocable consent to construct, maintain and use a snowmelt system on the north sidewalk of West 57th Street and south sidewalk of West 58th Street on sidewalks.
At the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of Community Board Five on Thursday, March 13, 2014, the Board passed the following resolution by a vote of 30 in favor; 6 opposed; 1 abstaining:
WHEREAS, The applicant seeks approval for a revocable consent to construct, maintain and use a snowmelt system on the West 57th and West 58th Street sidewalks to the new building at 157 West 57th Street; and
WHEREAS, The materials of the snowmelt system match those successfully used for other sidewalk snowmelt systems in the city; and
WHEREAS, The system includes ½" wide by ¼" thick coils placed below the surface of the sidewalk as well as mineral, wire mesh and concrete elements; and
WHEREAS, The system is activated by a control panel that utilizes sensors to ascertain the existence of precipitation at a temperature of less than 35 degrees; and
WHEREAS, The system in other locations, such as 535 West End Avenue where it has been in use since 2010, has not had any complaints or problems in terms of its effectiveness or its safety for adults, children or equipment that comes into its path; and
WHEREAS, The successful use of the system eliminates the unsafe conditions of ice and snow on the sidewalks in which it is in use; therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application to install a snowmelt system at the West 57th Street and West 58th Street sidewalks contiguous to 157 West 57th Street.