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105 Fifth Avenue and 18th Street (formerly Barnes & Noble Bookstore), located in the Ladies Mile Historic District, application for restoration.

At the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of Community Board Five on Thursday, March 13, 2014, the following resolution passed with a vote of 38 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining:

WHEREAS, 105 Fifth Avenue is located in the Ladies Historic Mile and was designated a Landmark on May 2, 1989; and

WHEREAS, The application is to restore the storefronts, windows, and signage on both 18th Street and Fifth Avenue back to their original design;

WHEREAS, The 18th Street façade restoration will remove non-historic infill from one bay and replace it with infill to mimic the existing two historic bays, namely by removing a door and creating a matching aluminum frame with a black infill panel storefront, transom window and ornamental cast iron grille; and

WHEREAS, The Fifth Avenue restoration will remove non-historic material and:

a)      Restore the Fifth Avenue corner storefront creating a matching aluminum frame with black infill panel storefront and transom window and ornamental cast iron grille for the infill; and

b)      Restore the center storefront by removing the glass revolving doors and replacing them with glass entry doors; and

c)      Restore the entrance way so that it is flanked on each side; and

d)     Move the existing flagpole to its original location at the center of the storefront; and

e)      Existing signage on the corner of 18th Street and Fifth Avenue will remain with new tenant's name replacing old tenant's, and

WHEREAS, The application is considered restorative in nature and will enhance the storefronts for retail tenants and make a positive contribution to the Ladies Mile Historic District; therefore be it,

RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application for the restoration of the storefront at 105 Fifth Avenue. 

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