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Consents & Variances


At the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of Community Board Five on Thursday, January 16, 2014, the Board passed the following resolution by a vote of 27 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.

WHEREAS, The applicant seeks a permit to install and operate a newsstand on the North East corner of 26th Street and Park Avenue South; and

WHEREAS, The newsstand application for this location is within the Department of Consumer Affairs' specifications; and

WHEREAS, The proposed site is, however, directly in front of a bank entrance; and

WHEREAS, The proposed newsstand would have a negative impact on the visual ability of the NYPD to adequately monitor the bank premises, thus creating a potentially unsafe condition; and

WHEREAS, The proposed site is also heavily congested with pedestrian traffic during weekdays; and

WHEREAS, The proposed newsstand would negatively impact pedestrian traffic by creating further congestion, therefore exacerbating an unsafe condition; and

WHEREAS, The applicant did not appear so was unable to answer questions concerning the application; therefore be it

RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends denial of the application to install a newsstand at the North East corner of 26th Street and Park Avenue South; and be it further

RESOLVED, Recognizing that the cost of applying for a newsstand is very high to small business owners and operators, Community Board Five requests that DCA refund the fee for this application and all applications that are denied.

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