16 East 18th Street, application for a rooftop addition, new storefront and window replacement
At the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of Community Board Five on Thursday, December 11, 2014, the following resolution passed with a vote of: 32 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstained.
WHEREAS, 16 East 18th Street is located in the Ladies Mile Historic District, built in 1902, and is one of many store and loft buildings in the District designed by the prolific firm of Buchman & Fox; and
WHEREAS, This ten-story neo-Renaissance style store and loft building, located on the south side of East 18th Street between Fifth Avenue and Broadway is characteristic of the later development phase of the District; and
WHEREAS, The applicant has applied to LPC for approval of a rooftop addition, new storefront and window replacement and LPC Staff has agreed to consider the window modifications, leaving only the rooftop addition and new storefront for consideration at an LPC Public Hearing; and
WHEREAS, The applicant proposes to restore the ground floor storefront, which was altered over the years, and to remove the metal cladding and restore the piers, replace the infill with wood doors at each end and a painted metal storefront, add a wood cornice above the storefront; and
WHEREAS, They also propose to construct a 10½' rooftop addition with a 4 ½' metal railing on top and a stair bulkhead rising 8½' above the roof addition (19' from roof deck); and
WHEREAS, This addition at the central portion of the roof is brick on the east and west elevations, and will be finished to exactly match the existing west façade; and
WHEREAS, A mock-up shows that the westerly portion of the addition will be minimally visible from the street only because there is an adjacent three story firehouse which is low enough for it to be seen; and
WHEREAS, The building already has an LPC permit to remove the existing water tank and replace it with a new one; and
WHEREAS, Given objections from CB5 to the use of cast stone to replace granite piers at the base of the building, the applicant has agreed and committed to use granite; and
WHEREAS, The proposed improvements and other repairs will upgrade the building in line with other properties on this block and will be harmonious with the District; therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application for a rooftop addition and new storefront at 16 East 18th Street.