Request on behalf of Fairway Market (“Applicant”) to support its application before the New York City Department of Transportation (“DOT”) for a “No Standing, Except Truck Loading/Unloading 5am-7pm, Except Sunday” regulation
At the monthly meeting of Community Board Five on Thursday, April 10, 2014, the Board passed the following resolution with a vote of 32 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstaining:
WHEREAS, Fairway Market seeks approval from the DOT for an application for a "No Standing, Except Trucks Loading/Unloading 5am-7pm, Except Sunday" regulation on the south side of W. 26th St. just east of 6th Ave; and
WHEREAS, Fairway is located on the West side of 6th Ave. between 25th and 26th Streets in the ground floor of a large residential tower and receives deliveries 7 days a week all day long at a freight entrance located on the south side of 26th St, just east of 6th Ave; and
WHEREAS, Parking on West 26th between 6th Avenue and Broadway is currently unregulated from 5am-7am and regulated with paid commercial vehicle parking from 7am-7pm, and;
WHEREAS, Fairway currently competes for curb space with unregulated parking from 5am to 7am and paid commercial parking from 7am-7pm, creating significant congestion on the street; and
WHEREAS, The proposed regulation would allow Fairway to have a more orderly access to its freight entrance; and
WHEREAS, The proposed regulation requires Fairway to pay for on-street parking for loading and unloading; and
WHEREAS, Fairway has agreed to execute an affidavit with Community Board Five detailing stipulations around its unloading operations, including:
1. not use orange cones or police tape or other obstructions to any part of the curb;
2. not allow double parking;
3. not block the crosswalk;
4. not park in front of 55 W. 26th St across the street;
5. make their SVP Community Intergovernmental Affairs' name and phone number available to the public in case there are concerns (Tom Hoover, 347-672-2143); and
WHEREAS, Neighboring residents wrote to Community Board Five stating their belief that the proposal would improve traffic flow on the street; and
WHEREAS, Neighboring residents wrote to Community Board Five affirming Fairway's overall positive impact on the neighborhood; therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval from the DOT of an application for a "No Standing, Except Trucks Loading/Unloading 5am-7pm, Except Sunday" regulation on the south side of W. 26th St. just east of 6th Avenue