Applications from Union Square Hospitality Group for the Big Apple Barbecue, to be held on Madison Avenue between 23rd and 26th Streets, 26th Street between 5th Avenue and Park Avenue, and inside Madison Square Park
At the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of Community Board Five on Thursday, April 10, 2014, the Board passed the following resolution by a vote of 32 in favor; 1 opposed; 1 abstaining:
WHEREAS, Union Square Hospitality Group ("Applicant) seeks Parks and SAPO permits to hold the 12th annual Big Apple Barbeque in and around Madison Square Park, resulting in the closure of Madison Avenue between 23rd and 26th Streets; 23rd, 24th, and 25th Streets between Park and Madison Avenues; and 26th Street between Park and 5th Avenues on Saturday, June 7th and Sunday, June 8th, 2014; and
WHEREAS, The event will be held on Saturday and Sunday between the hours of 11am and 6pm, with set-up beginning on Friday, June 6th and clean-up following the event on Monday, June 9th, with one trailer on 26th Street to be removed on Tuesday, June 10th; and
WHEREAS, Applicant has complied with the Community Board Five Policy on Large Events in and around Madison Square Park; having submitted a written Statement of Compliance acknowledging their understanding and acceptance of said policy; and
WHEREAS, Union Square Hospitality Group will make a donation of 10% of the total proceeds of this event to the Madison Square Park Conservancy to be directed toward maintenance and upkeep in the Park; and
WHEREAS, The event has the support of the Madison Square Park Conservancy (MSPC) and supplies a significant percentage of the annual budgetary needs of Madison Square Park; and
WHEREAS, Applicant recognizes the event's impact on members of the public who live around Madison Square Park as well as businesses around the Park, and in coordination with Community Board Five and MSPC, have altered the layout by relocating the more popular pit masters to areas with fewer residents in the immediate vicinity, thereby reducing smoke and queuing complaints; and
WHEREAS, Applicant has agreed to monitor and address the after-hours noise issues as created by pit masters preparing food for the barbecue, including the express prohibition of any music being played during set-up; and
WHEREAS, Applicant agrees that in the event of any proposed increase in the amount of licensed space within the Park to consume alcohol, a detailed proposal would be provided to Community Board Five within the next month, and Applicant agrees to appear before the Board accordingly, at its discretion; and
WHEREAS, Applicant has provided a detailed plan and layout of the event including sanitation, security, and post-event clean-up, with several improvements from prior events, including an increase in the amount of space for the public, additional seating areas and picnic tables provided for the public, a decrease in the amount of space reserved for hospitality areas, a decrease in amplified sound by a reduction in the number of live bands performing (three bands per day down from four to six), and less tenting for sponsors (one tent instead of multiple tents); therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the Applications from Union Square Hospitality Group for the Big Apple Barbecue, to be held on Madison Avenue between 23rd and 26th Streets, 26th Street between 5th Avenue and Park Avenue, and inside Madison Square Park on Saturday, June 7th and Sunday, June 8th, 2014.