Application from Earth Day New York for “Earth Day New York 2013,” a special event in Union Square Park on April 21st, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
At the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of Community Board Five on Thursday, March 14, 2013, the following resolution passed with a unanimous vote of 31 in favor; 2 opposed; 1 abstaining:
WHEREAS, Earth Day New York ("Applicant") has submitted an application to hold "Earth Day New York 2013," a special event in Union Square Park on April 21st, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.; and
WHEREAS, Applicant has produced Earth Day events in NYC (originally in Union Square and more recently on Vanderbilt Avenue and in Vanderbilt Hall and Times Square) on or around April 22 since 1990; and
WHEREAS, Applicant hopes to educate and engage New Yorkers to make a difference on environmental issues and make better lifestyle choices by providing environmental education, fun activities and entertainment, along with the opportunity to recycle old clothes, batteries, cell phones and e-waste and sample innovative and healthy green products (limited food sampling); and
WHEREAS, Pending construction on Vanderbilt Avenue and in Times Square has made it necessary for Applicant to apply for the use of, and return to, Union Square in addition to using Vanderbilt Hall; and
WHEREAS, Set-up would commence no earlier than 10:00 p.m. on April 20th and breakdown would be completed no later than 10:00 p.m. on April 21st; and
WHEREAS, The proposed event would make use of the north plaza of the Park, with a stage facing north in front of the pavilion, and would have a limited footprint on the south plaza of the Park; and
WHEREAS, Amplified sound would be limited to sets of folk and acoustic music of 40 minutes each with 20 minute breaks in between, to be managed by Kennedy Sound Company, a company that has worked well with the Union Square Partnership in the past and has been successful in limiting unnecessary noise; and
WHEREAS, Signage would be limited to 3'x 6' signs on the sides of tents and an 8'x8' graphic on the stage, containing small logos of various corporate sponsors; and
WHEREAS, Applicant has been planning this event with the help and full support of the Union Square Partnership, including the utilization of a dedicated sanitation team of 15 to 20 staffers for the event; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application from Earth Day New York for "Earth Day New York 2013," a special event in Union Square Park on April 21st, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.