Newsstand # 1464070, SWC West 57th Street and 5th Avenue
At the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of Community Board Five on Thursday, June 13, 2013, the Board passed the following resolution by a vote of 39 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.
WHEREAS, The applicant is proposing a newsstand on the South West corner of 57th street and 5th Avenue, and
WHEREAS, The applicant was invited, but failed to appear at a regularly scheduled meeting and failed to address questions and concerns that CB5 has about this application; and
WHEREAS, An application on this same street corner was denied in June of 2009; and
WHEREAS, This application is non-compliant with DCA regulations as it is located in front of a building with more than 3 floors of retail space; and
WHEREAS, The proposed newsstand would be located in an area that registers heavy pedestrian flow, fluctuating seasonally, and reaching critical level around the holiday season; and
WHEREAS, The proposed newsstand would have a negative impact on pedestrian traffic, adding to congestion and creating an unsafe condition; and
WHEREAS, Several members of the public, including representatives of the building directly in front of the proposed location, showed at the CB5 meeting to speak against the proposed newsstand; and
WHEREAS, The Art Commission (aka Design Commission), noted that "the Fifth Avenue Business District has exceptional visual corridors and that the addition of any obstructions, including planters and newsstands will severely detract from its attractiveness and effectiveness;" therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends denial of the application to install a newsstand at the SWC of 57th Street and 5th Avenue, and be it further
RESOLVED, Community Board Five urges DOT to proceed with the pedestrian count at the location at rush hour 5pm on weekdays, and be it further
RESOLVED, Recognizing that the cost of applying for a newsstand is very high to small business owners and operators, Community Board Five requests that DCA refunds the application fee for applications that are denied.