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108 5th Avenue, Application to Replace Windows and Mechanical Equipment

At the scheduled monthly meeting of Community Board Five on Thursday, February 14, 2013, the Board passed the following resolution by a vote of 31 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining:

WHEREAS, 105 5th Avenue, located in the Ladies' Mile Historic District, is a 20-story apartment building constructed about 1985 on the southwest corner of 5th Avenue and West 16th Street, and

WHEREAS, The LPC Designation Report states that the building and a neighboring building as such "do not conform to the general character of the streetscape; however, they are surrounded by other buildings that are characteristic types within the district.", and

WHEREAS, This building can be classified as a "Non-Contributing Building" within the Historic District, and

WHEREAS, The applicant/owner of Apartment 19B is seeking to replace windows, balcony doors, and thru-wall A/C-heating units that will change the overall fenestration and replace the thru-wall units with free standing condenser/compressor units, and

WHEREAS, The original windows are deteriorated beyond the point of repair and the mechanical units do not meet current energy-efficiency standards and need to be updated, and

WHEREAS, The new windows and doors will have nearly the same profile and the same color as the existing, and

WHEREAS, The 19th floor is one of several upper floors that has a "mansard-like" cladding that obscures the visibility of the balconies and windows from the street, and

WHEREAS, Other balconies in the building house similar mechanical units, and

WHEREAS, the condenser units will be placed against balcony wall and below the balcony railing and therefore will be minimally visible and will not detract from the visual harmony within the District; therefore, be it 

RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application to replace windows and mechanical equipment at Apartment 19B, 108 5th Avenue.

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