123 East 18th Street, Merlagre Inc., d/b/a Paul & Jimmy's, application for a new unenclosed sidewalk café with 4 table and 8 seats
WHEREAS, The applicant, Merlagre Inc., d/b/a Paul & Jimmy's, is applying for a revocable consent for a new unenclosed sidewalk café with 4 table and 8 seats, and
WHEREAS, The applicant had previously had a sidewalk cafe at this location; and
WHEREAS, In order to address special concerns created by the existence of a new Muni-Meter, the applicant has agreed to combine tables into 2 four tops thus lessening the overall footprint of the cafe; and
WHEREAS, The applicant has agreed not to incorporate a railing thus allowing pedestrians to share the required 3 foot waiter aisle; and
WHEREAS, Pedestrian traffic on this portion of 18th Street was observed to be relatively light; therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application for a revocable consent for an unenclosed sidewalk café at 123 East 18th Street.