Proposal from the Better Chinatown Society ("Applicant") to hold the Tenth Annual Moon Festival & Children's Lantern Parade in the North Plaza of Union Square Park on Sunday, September 23, 2012
WHEREAS, The Better Chinatown Society ("Applicant") has submitted an application to hold the Tenth Annual Moon Festival & Children's Lantern Parade in the North Plaza of Union Square Park on Sunday, September 23, 2012; and
WHEREAS, The event would consist of musical performances, arts and crafts workshops for children, and a celebratory parade of masked children within the park, with culturally related items available both as giveaways and for purchase; and
WHEREAS, The festival would take place between the hours of noon and 5 PM, with set-up beginning at 9:00 AM and breakdown completed by 6:00 PM; and
WHEREAS, A site plan for the event has been submitted by the Applicant, and includes ten to fifteen booths, a stage, and recycling stands; and
WHEREAS, The event will include live music and announcements using amplified sound on an intermittent schedule, as requested by the Committee; and
WHEREAS, The Applicant has in the past successfully produced this event and other large events for the public in Washington Square Park and other locations, with no known complaints or problems; and
WHEREAS, The Union Square Partnership has been presented with the plans for the event and has raised no objection, having received assurances that the Applicant will comply with Park regulations that any dispensed food items be pre-wrapped; and
WHEREAS, The event would be open to the public and free of charge; and
WHEREAS, The Applicant displayed willingness to work with Committee suggestions and the Union Square Partnership in planning the event; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of Better Chinatown Society's proposal to hold the Tenth Annual Moon Festival & Children's Lantern Parade in the North Plaza of Union Square Park on Sunday, September 23, 2012.
The above resolution passed by a vote of 36 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.