837 7th Avenue, Shelbourne Bar & Grill Inc., application for a new unenclosed sidewalk with 4 tables and 16 seats
WHEREAS, The applicant, Shelbourne Bar & Grill Inc., is applying for a revocable consent for an unenclosed sidewalk café at 837 7th Avenue between 53rd and 54th Streets; and
WHEREAS, The proposed sidewalk café would be located on the avenue and would have 4 tables and 16 seats, leaving 13' 10" for pedestrian traffic; and
WHEREAS, The applicant has agreed to use no borders or plantings to separate the tables from pedestrian traffic; and
WHEREAS, The closing hours (tables and chairs folded, locked and/or put away) will be as follows:
- Sun -Thurs: 10pm
- Fri - Sat: 11pm
WHEREAS, The applicant will have no amplified sound at the café; and
WHEREAS, No comment or objection was raised by members of the public; therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application for a revocable consent for an unenclosed sidewalk café at 837 7th Avenue between 53rd and 54th Streets
The above resolution passed by a vote of 36 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.