Wahoo's Fish Taco NYC, application to celebrate opening on 25th Street, between Park Ave South and Lexington Ave., Saturday, April 14.
WHEREAS, Wahoo's Fish Taco wishes to organize a street event to celebrate their opening; and
WHEREAS, The applicant was invited but failed to appear at a regularly scheduled meeting and failed to answer questions and concerns CB5 has about the application; and
WHEREAS, The application appears to be completely commercial in nature, without any charitable component; and
WHEREAS, Community Board Five has particular concerns about street closures and the precedent that might be set by closing streets for purely commercial reasons; therefore be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends denial of the application to hold a street event on 25th Street between Park Ave South and Lexington Ave., on Saturday April 14th.
The above resolution passed by a vote of 30 in favor; 1 opposed; 1 abstaining.