NYC Wiccan Family Temple proposes a WitchsFest USA all-day event with workshops, entertainment and games, Union Sq, July 8th, 9a-7p
WHEREAS, Wiccan Family Temple has applied to hold a festival on the North Plaza at Union Square Park; and
WHEREAS, The event will occur on Sunday, July 8th from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm with clean up ending at 8:00pm; and
WHEREAS, They have successfully held the event at other Manhattan locations; and
WHEREAS, The festival is anticipated to include entertainment, free face painting, interactive games and information regarding pagan culture, with no charge to the public; and
WHEREAS, There will be vendors with specialized merchandize targeted to attendees such as tee shirts, pagan calendars, books, incense and jewelry, and
WHEREAS, There will be no admission charged, or commercial signage for the event; and
WHEREAS, The applicant will get all appropriate permits for amplified sound and agreed to a four hour maximum time limit with music; and
WHEREAS, The organizers will coordinate with the Union Square Partnership and are working with New York Cares to include a coat drive as a charitable element to the program; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application of WitchsFest USA for a festival in Union Square Park on Sunday, July 8th from 9am-7pm.
The above resolution passed by a vote of 30 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.