636 Avenue of the Americas, application for rooftop addition
WHEREAS, 636 Avenue of the Americas, is located within the Ladies Mile Historic District, with facades on Avenue of the Americas (extending 68 feet) and West 19th Street (extending 152 feet), and is a six-story neo-Renaissance store building, constructed in 1896, designed by Buchman and Deisler and named the Alexander Building, after the person who acquired the building in 1897 for use as a shoe store; and
WHEREAS, This application is to remove and replace obsolete and unsightly rooftop mechanical equipment with a modest 3,300 sq. ft. rooftop addition; and
WHEREAS, The addition is set back so as not to be visible from the public way on the South, East and West; and
WHEREAS, The addition, on a secondary elevation, is partially visible from a constricted area four blocks away (at 23rd Street); and
WHEREAS, The portion visible is a solid (un-fenestrated wall) on the lot-line and does not visually extend above the roof top addition behind it and is therefore almost un-noticeable; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends approval of the application for a rooftop addition at 636 Avenue of the Americas.
The above resolution passed by a vote of 31 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.