Gramercy Park Services proposal to open a substance abuse clinic at 500 8th Avenue
WHEREAS, Gramercy Park Services, a private fee-based substance abuse clinic is currently located at 253 Third Avenue in a building that does not meet ADA requirements due to a lack of an elevator and must relocate; and
WHEREAS, Gramercy Park Services is requesting community support for their move into a 4,200 sq. ft. clinic space on the 9th floor of 500 Eighth Avenue; and
WHEREAS, The new location is in a completely commercial building and commercial block in close proximity to a NYPD precinct; and
WHEREAS, This clinic serves 300 outpatients in total, or approximately 35 per day, on an appointment-only basis and provides physical/mental health services such as exams, blood tests, counseling and pharmaceutical prescription; and
WHEREAS, The clinic employs one full-time doctor, one part-time assistant doctor, four nurses, one program administrator, 6 counselors, one psychiatrist, one receptionist and several lobby guards who ensure that there is no loitering; and
WHEREAS, This facility is licensed and regulated by State and Federal Agencies and must comply with DEA standards for storing narcotics, including alarms, safes, cameras and security; and
WHEREAS, The management of Gramercy Park Services will convene a community advisory board to ensure that they remain a good neighbor in this commercial location; and
WHEREAS, Community Board Five recognizes the need for substance abuse clinics in New York City and furthermore feels that Gramercy Park Services has demonstrated they are an exemplary, reputable facility with an open relationship with community stakeholders; and
WHEREAS, Community Board Six has spoken out on behalf of Gramercy Park Services as well-run clinic and a good neighbor; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Community Board Five supports the relocation of Gramercy Park Services substance abuse clinic into the ADA-complaint space at 500 Eighth Ave, between 35th and 36th Streets.
The above resolution passed by a vote of 38 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.