Community Board Five Resolution Newsrack Enforcement
WHEREAS, the proliferation of newsracks has created cluttered, dangerous, and unsightly conditions on the streets of New York City; and
WHEREAS, the owners of the various publications distributed by the newsracks have largely failed to maintain their newsracks according to applicable regulations; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has not effectively enforced newsrack regulations because of deficiencies in the current law and lack of personnel; and
WHEREAS, use of the 3-1-1- system for complaints about unlawfully placed or improperly maintained newsracks has not produced meaningful results; and
WHEREAS, other cities have enacted legislation limiting the number of newsracks on each corner, mandating the size, appearance, maintenance, and other requirements and have imposed fair licensing fees to fund enforcement activities;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Manhattan Community Board Five request that:
o The City Council study newsrack legislation in other municipalities and enact a newsrack law which will curb the current abuses and unsafe conditions of our sidewalks
o The Department of Transportation provide sufficient administrative and personnel resources to satisfactorily enforce the newsrack regulations
o The Office of the Mayor take necessary action to encourage and enable the Department of Transportation to more promptly and effectively respond to 3-1-1- newsrack complaints
The above resolution passed by a vote of 31 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.