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Parks & Public Spaces

Summer in the Square/Union Square Partnership - application to conduct concert series in Union Square Park on Thursdays from June 16 through July 28, 2011

WHEREAS, Union Square Partnership has submitted an application to conduct their Summer in the Square annual free concert series, that would also include activities such as morning exercise classes, yoga, mid-day children's performances, and evening performances of music and theatre, in the south plaza of Union Square Park on Thursdays from June 16 through July 28, 2011, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM, requiring set-ups to begin at 6:00 AM and clean-ups to be completed by 8:00 PM; and

WHEREAS, Summer in the Square events are free of charge and open to the public, and they are anticipated to attract approximately 600 participants; and

WHEREAS, There is a long-standing precedent for the Summer in the Square event series in Union Square Park; and

WHEREAS, Union Square Partnership has agreed that when presenting future event applications, that they will clearly state whether or not those events are occurring concurrently with previously approved special events; and

WHEREAS, If there are any material changes in the event from previous years, i.e. signage, set-up, scale, location, and/or ancillary activities, Union Square Partnership has agreed to return and present these changes to Community Board Five; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of Union Square Partnership's application to conduct their Summer in the Square concert series in Union Square Park on Thursdays from June 16 through July 28, 2011.

The above resolution passed by a vote of 29 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.

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