Newsstand application # 1396318, SWC 37th and Broadway
WHEREAS, The applicant seeks a permit to install and operate a newsstand on the southwest corner of 37th street and Broadway; and
WHEREAS, The applicant was unable to appear at a regularly scheduled meeting and address questions and concerns CB5 had about the application; and
WHEREAS, The proposed site is in a highly congested area; and
WHEREAS, CB5 received letters from The Fashion BID and Sitt Asset Managemant LLC, the land owner directly in front of the proposed site, expressing concerns regarding pedestrian safety and over saturation of street furniture in the area; and
WHEREAS, There is already a newsstand on the same block as the proposed site, west side of Broadway between 36th and 37th streets; and
WHEREAS, The area is adequately served by not only the aforementioned newsstand but newsstands on the Northwest corner of 35 and Broadway, the Northwest corner of 36th and Broadway, Southeast corner of 38th and Broadway, and the Northwest corner of 39th and Broadway, as well as a several brick and mortar candy vendors along the Broadway corridor; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends denial of the application to install a newsstand at the Southwest corner of 37th and Broadway.
The above resolution passed by a vote of 30 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.