Manhattan Borough Board Resolution Regarding Stalled Construction Sites
Whereas, there were 646 stalled construction sites in New York as of July 2011; and
Whereas, 37 percent of the sites surveyed were identified as containing litter, with over half of these sites having fencing in disrepair or vandalized, and half of the sites having sidewalk obstructions that leave eight feet or less of sidewalk space; and
Whereas, these unfinished structures are not only eyesores but also targets for vandals and squatters; and
Whereas, these sites pose safety, economic and quality of life concerns for residents and property owners alike; therefore
Be it resolved, that the City should pass legislation allowing stalled construction sites to become publicly accessible on a temporary basis, when appropriate, for such uses as food vending, parking, public art, performance and recreation space; and therefore
Be it further resolved that when interim uses are not possible the City should launch art programs to beautify sheds through grants provided to community groups, BIDs and non-profits; and therefore
Be it further resolved that where possible the City should work with property owners to expand narrowed sidewalks created by construction fencing and scaffolding.
The above resolution passed by a vote of 35 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.