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50 West 20th Street (bet. 5th Ave and Ave. of the Americas) Ladies' Mile Historic District, application for the installation of three banners.

WHEREAS, 50 West 20th Street (between 5th Avenue and Avenue of the Americas) is the address of the Applicant, Fed Express Kinkos, a retail store in a five story and penthouse residential and commercial building, is located in a building better known as 650 Avenue of the Americas, in the Ladies Mile Historic District; and

WHEREAS, the building dates back to 1906 when it contained a well-known shoe store, Cannmeyer's, which the current owner recognized by re-naming the condominium/rental residential portion of the building "The Cannmeyer"; and

WHEREAS, the Applicant is requesting to install 3 large banners (4' X 12' 5") to direct customers to the store which is being relocated from the Avenue to the side street, for economic reasons, according to the Applicant; and

WHEREAS, the Applicant asserts that this type of retail activity provides an important service for the community, but the location does not have the visibility on the side street that it had on the Avenue; and 

WHEREAS, LPC policy specifies that only bracket signs are to be placed on buildings in this Historic District to maximize the visual impact of the architectural features of the facades; and

WHEREAS, LPC has made some exceptions to this policy including banners which were approved for the Limelight Marketplace directly across the street from the Applicant's premises; and

WHEREAS, the proliferation of banners for retail and other establishments is deemed to have a negative visual impact despite retailers' claims of economic need to attract customers in this manner; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, Community Board Five recommends denial of the Application for installation of three banners at 50 West 20th Street (between 5th Avenue and Avenue of the Americas) in the Ladies' Mile Historic District

The above resolution passed by a vote of 39 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.


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