New York Public Library - Application for a new banner design for the main branch of the NYPL at West 42nd Street and 5th Avenue
WHEREAS, In celebration of the 100th Anniversary of The New York Public Library's iconic Landmark, Carrere and Hastings building at Fifth Avenue and West 42nd Street, the Library has applied for a C of A for a new banner design for the facade facing Fifth Avenue; and
WHEREAS, The new design will reduce the number of banners from three to two which will be placed less conspicuously at either side of the main entrance; and
WHEREAS, The two banners will each measure 6 feet in width and 24 feet in length and will be fabricated with a porous nylon material that will allow the banners to billow with air passing through the fabric; and
WHEREAS, The hardware, using a high tension stainless steel wire rope and tension cords mounted to stainless steel eye bolts and cleats fastened to the marble, to mount the banners to the facade and to change the banners for different exhibitions and events, will be minimally intrusive to the building's stonework; and
WHEREAS, The design was developed in consultation with the Landmarks Preservation Commission staff using methods and materials designed to diminish the visual impact of the supporting hardware required to properly position the banners and will maintain aesthetic harmony with the existing architectural elements; and
WHEREAS, Similar banners have been successfully installed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of the new banner design for the main branch of the NYPL at West 42nd Street and 5th Avenue.
The above resolution passed by a vote of 31 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining; 1 present but not entitled to vote.