116 East 16th Street, bet. Union Sq. East and Irving Place, 16th Street BBQ LLC, d/b/a Brother Jimmy's BBQ, application for an unenclosed sidewalk café with 10 chairs and 5 tables.
WHEREAS, The applicant, 16th Street BBQ LLC, d/b/a Brother Jimmy's BBQ, wants to operate an unenclosed sidewalk café with 10 chairs and 5 tables at 116 East 16th Street, bet. Union Sq. East and Irving Place, and
WHEREAS, The applicant already operates on an outdoor space located within the building's lot line, and
WHEREAS, Residents expressed that the operation has been problematic since its inception, generating many noise complaints, and
WHEREAS, The applicant agreed to strict stipulations:
- close no later than 10pm Sun to Wed, and 11pm Thurs to Sat
- keep doors closed at all times after closing
- increase its security personnel to have 3 to 4 guards at all times
- set up a smoking pen to be monitored by a guard at all times
- submit a sound engineer report to address noise concerns brought by residents
- appear before the PSQL committee for an alteration of their liquor license, as per ABC Law
- attend meetings called by CB5 to address concerns with residents
- provide CB5 as well as residents with a manager's cell phone number as well as an email address
WHEREAS, The stipulations and restrictions were agreeable to residents, therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Community Board 5 recommends approval of an application for a revocable consent to operate an unenclosed sidewalk café with 10 chairs and 5 tables at 116 East 16th Street, b/t Union Sq. East and Irving Place.
The above resolution passed by a vote of 34 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.