Madison Square Park Conservancy proposed special event for the broadcast of the US Open matches in Madison Square Park on Friday September 3, 2010 through Sunday September 12, 2010
WHEREAS, Community Board Five takes its role in the review of applications for Parks Special Events seriously and requests an opportunity to review the application before a permit is granted by the Parks Department Special Permit Office; and
WHEREAS, Madison Square Park Conservancy has submitted an application for a special event to be conducted in Madison Square Park on Friday September 3, 2010 through Sunday September 12, 2010, in order to exhibit live broadcasts of the US Open matches; and
WHEREAS, The proposed event has been previously conducted in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008; and
WHEREAS, The proposed event would once again be sponsored by American Express, who would be paying a six-figure donation to the Madison Square Park Conservancy; and
WHEREAS, As in previous years, a Jumbotron screen would be erected near the Farragut Monument, bleachers would be on the plaza, a viewing area would be set-up in the drained reflecting pool, and food concessions would be provided by companies to be determined by an RFP; and
WHEREAS, At this time activities during the proposed event are limited to the northern section of the park, and there is no intention to utilize the southern section of the park for this event; and
WHEREAS, The US Open will be broadcast with sound daily from approximately 11:00 AM until 11:00 PM, and if events run later than 11:30 PM the Jumbotron will be shut off and an announcement will be made each evening that the screen will be shut down at 11:30 PM; and
WHEREAS, Nothing other than US Open tennis match broadcasts with commercials will be displayed on the Jumbotron; and
WHEREAS, If beer and wine are sold for consumption, this would be in selected areas and all wine and beer licenses would be displayed, service would stop at 9:30 PM and the vendors would be responsible to monitor where the purchaser goes within the park and security personnel would be posted by the concessions; and
WHEREAS, Although there will be significant corporate signage, the number of signs will be reduced in comparison to previous years and over the last five years the proposed event's commercial nature has been reduced significantly; and
WHEREAS, The sponsor will be making a substantial donation to the Madison Square Park Conservancy; and
WHEREAS, Through the years, the issues of sound, security, refuse, park space for commercial promotion, the length of event and the evening schedule of events have all been addressed and have all greatly improved; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of Madison Square Park Conservancy's proposed special event for the broadcast of the US Open matches in Madison Square Park on Friday September 3, 2010 through Sunday September 12, 2010.
The above resolution passed by a vote of 26 in favor; 9 opposed; 1 abstaining.