NTDTV application to conduct a special event in Father Duffy Square on Thursday September 30, 2010 and Friday October 1, 2010.
WHEREAS, Community Board Five takes its role in the review of applications for Parks Special Events seriously and requests an opportunity to review the application before a permit is granted by the Parks Department Special Permit Office; and
WHEREAS, New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV), a not-for-profit enterprise, has submitted an application to conduct the third annual International Chinese Culinary Competition in Father Duffy Square on Thursday September 30, 2010 and Friday October 1, 2010, between the hours of 9:00 AM and 10:00 PM; and
WHEREAS, The Competition will be broadcast in both English and Chinese throughout the world via satellite, and visitors to the Times Square area would be able to enjoy the events via Jumbotron television screens; and
WHEREAS, The competition would feature cuisine from five regions of China that were oppressed during the Cultural Revolution, with the hope of re-introducing their recipes and techniques so that their regional dishes might enjoy a resurgence in popularity; and
WHEREAS, The Third Annual International Chinese Culinary Competition would be a cultural/educational event with high-quality production values including costumes, set decoration, layout, and tasteful signage, and the applicant hopes to conduct this in Times Square to coincide with their theme of "From the Cross Roads of the World"; and
WHEREAS, The proposed event would occur during an off-peak season, on non-matinee days, and access to the glass stairs, TKTS booths and the adjacent Broadway plaza will remain open to the public; and
WHEREAS, The applicant has three years of experience producing previous competitions in other venues, and is currently working closely with the Times Square Alliance, the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, and other agencies to ensure that this year's event would be conducted in a safe, satisfactory and successful manner; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of NTDTV's application to conduct the Third Annual International Chinese Culinary Competition in Father Duffy Square on Thursday September 30, 2010 and Friday October 1, 2010.
The above resolution passed by a vote of 25 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.