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Parks & Public Spaces

Picture Earth application to conduct a large scale photography exhibit in Bryant Park, daily from Friday April 2 through Friday May 28, 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM.

 WHEREAS, Picture Earth a (pending) not-for-profit; and

WHEREAS, The photographs are from the series "Earth from Above" and are designed to raise awareness of environmental issues; and

WHEREAS, The freestanding placards are about 8'7" high and 6'6" wide and will be uniformly disbursed around the park perimeter (please see diagram); and

WHEREAS, Each placard contains a photograph, descriptive text, and small sponsor logo (please see diagram); and

WHEREAS, The placard base is designed to leave the ground unharmed and to stand up to normal environmental stress such as wind; and

WHEREAS, There will also be a world map laid out on the ground; and

WHEREAS, Additional material co-branding will be limited to signposts on the park corners; and

WHEREAS, The art would be on display from April 2 - May 28, 2010; and

WHEREAS, Setup and breakdown would take an additional week on both ends; and

WHEREAS, The main target viewing audience is passersby, park goers, and children on field trips; and

WHEREAS, The event will be promoted on television and through print ads at local public transit hubs; and

WHEREAS, There will be occasional special events which include book signings and guided tours as well as a press conference, and

WHEREAS, The applicant paid $500K to Bryant Park to hold the event; and

WHEREAS, In addition to the public art there will be two kiosks; and

WHEREAS, One is an information center and the other is akin to a museum store; and

WHEREAS, The event is free, open to the public, and has educational as well as entertainment value; and

WHEREAS, The Earth from Above series has been published and vetted as legitimate art; and

WHEREAS, The placards minimally infringe on sidewalk and park space; and

WHEREAS, The items for sale relate to the event and the proceeds benefit the applicant; and

WHEREAS, Advertising in minimal; and

WHEREAS, The library will be covered in scaffolding, mitigating the need to keep the façade free from obstruction; and

WHEREAS, There will be no designated bus parking and therefore no authorized disruption to traffic; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of the application by Picture Earth to conduct a large scale photography exhibit in Bryant Park from April 2 through May 28th, 9am-10pm daily.

The above resolution passed by a vote of 38 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.

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