535 Madison and 54th Street and Madison Avenue (Park Tower Group), request to install modular news rack
WHEREAS, Park Tower Group, the owner of 535 Madison Avenue, seeks to install a modular newsrack ("Newsrack") as part of its streetscape improvement plan; and
WHERAS, The Newsrack is the same design as the existing Grand Central Partnership newsrack; and
WHEREAS, The Newsrack will be installed on the 54th Street sidewalk; and
WHEREAS, The Newsrack will be maintained by the Applicant; and
WHEREAS, although CB5 recognizes that the sidewalk usually registers heavy pedestrian traffic, the Newsrack would have a minimally adverse impact, therefore be it is
RESOLVED, that Community Board 5 recommends approval of the revocable consent for the installation of the Modular Newsrack on the 54th Street Side of the NEC of 54th Street and Madison Avenue.
The above resolution passed vote of 40 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstention.