BSA # 818-59BZ, 139 East 33rd Street, application pursuant to §§ 11-411, 11-412 of the ZR to request an extension of the term of the variance previously granted for a transient garage.
WHEREAS, The owner of a public parking garage located on the northeast corner of 33rd street and Lexington Avenue seeks an extension of the terms of a Variance previously granted by the Board of Standards and Appeals; and
WHEREAS, The BSA has the authority to prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in order to minimize adverse effects the existing use may have on the character of the surrounding neighborhood; and
WHEREAS, the garage will maintain its existing capacity of 125 car parking spaces; and
WHEREAS, The CB-5 supported a new zoning text amendments which requires new public parking garages to provide one bicycle parking space for each ten car parking spaces and supports extending that requirement to public parking garages seeking extensions or renewals of Variances or Special Permits; and
WHEREAS, Providing new bicycle parking would encourage people to ride bicycles to work in the area, thus minimizing any adverse effects of the existing garage operation and the increased allowable parking requested by the applicant; and
WHEREAS, The applicant has voluntarily agreed to create thirteen (13) bicycle spaces in the garage; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Community Board Five urges the BSA to approve the request by a public parking garage located on the northeast corner of Lexington Avenue and 33rd Street for an extension of the variance, with the inclusion of thirteen (13) bicycle spaces.
The above resolution passed by a vote of 35 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstaining.