LeadDog Marketing Group request to promote Vitamin Water’s NEW PRODUCT Perfect 10 in Union Square Park
WHEREAS, Community Board Five takes its role in the review of applications for Parks Special Events seriously and requests an opportunity to review the application before a permit is granted by the Parks Department Special Permit Office; and
WHEREAS, LeadDog Marketing Group has submitted an application seeking permission for a special event to be conducted in the South Plaza of Union Square Park on Thursday April 2, 2009 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM, requiring set-up to begin at 5:00 AM, and dismantling and clean-up to be completed by 8:00 PM; and
WHEREAS, The applicant has stated that the purpose of this proposed event is as part of a marketing campaign to promote Vitamin Water’s new sports drink Perfect 10; and
WHEREAS, The proposed event would be held in a walled-off space, measuring approximately 30’-0” X 20’-0” X 8’-0” to be set-up on the South Landing located between the George Washington statue and the steps facing 14th Street; and
WHEREAS, There will be a MC with amplified sound and the event space will contain stations where the public can participate in activities that “burn 10 calories” – the drink’s caloric content; and
WHEREAS, The event is free of charge, although branded products and materials will be handed out, and it has been estimated that attendance would be approximately 1,000 people; and
WHEREAS, The individual stations and the wall surrounding the event space prominently feature branding and advertising; and
WHEREAS, Due to the ongoing construction in the North Plaza, and the relocation of the Greenmarket toward the west and the south, there is a decrease in available park space, as well as fewer days in which special events can be held in the South Plaza of Union Square Park; and
WHEREAS, Community Board Five has repeatedly denied access to its parks for commercial events and this event prominently features corporate sponsors, logos and products which constitutes an excessively commercial use of Union Square Park; and
WHEREAS, Although we acknowledge that exercise is an important health issue, we do feel that suggesting “ways to burn 10 calories” such as Black Jack and Rock-Paper-Scissors is a promotional gimmick with dubious public benefit; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends denial of the application by LeadDog Marketing Group to conduct a promotional event in the South Plaza of Union Square on Thursday April 2, 2009.
The above resolution passed by a vote of 29 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.