210 Fifth Avenue, Application for alterations to existing elevator machine room bulkhead
WHEREAS, 210 Fifth Avenue, is located in the Ladies Mile Historic District, and has applied to LPC for approval of an alteration to a rooftop elevator machine bulkhead; and
WHEREAS, The new bulkhead will be larger than the existing bulkhead to house more efficient elevator machinery and will be somewhat more visible from the public way; and
WHEREAS, Such approvals for mechanical equipment purposes do not usually require an LPC hearing and can be approved by LPC staff so that Community Board Approval is not normally requested; and
WHEREAS, The proposed cladding material, zinc, may be the reason that CB 5 was asked to review the application; and
WHEREAS, The visual impact of the new bulkhead is not considered significant; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of the application for 210 Fifth Avenue for alterations to the existing elevator machine room bulkhead.
The above resolution passed by a vote of 30 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining.