127 East 27th Street, Valdome Inc. I Trulli Restaurant, application for an unenclosed sidewalk cafe with 8 tables and 18 seats
WHEREAS, The applicant is proposing an unenclosed sidewalk café, with 8 tables and 18 seats, and
WHEREAS, The sidewalk café would leave 8’8’’ of clear pathway, which is consistent with other sidewalk cafes on this block, and
WHEREAS, The applicant will operate from 1pm to 3pm and from 5.30pm to 10.30pm from Sunday to Thursday and until 11pm on Fridays and Saturdays, and
WHEREAS, The block is mainly commercial so the sidewalk café would have no negative impact on residents in the vicinity, and
WHEREAS, The applicant is aware that they are required to apply to the SLA for an alteration to their liquor license, therefore be it
RESOLVED, That Community Board Five recommends approval of an unenclosed sidewalk café at 127 East 27th Street.
The above resolution passed by a vote of 32 in favor; 0 opposed; 1 abstaining